


  • Having steak dinner with college girlfriends. Dinner and light conversation, perfect.
  • Meeting my so-called-comfort-zone friends at Sinou afterwards. Drinks and deep conversations, double perfect.
  • Going home with my best-male-friend from college, having a lovely time. Full of laughs and giggles, triple perfect.
  • Having seafood dinner with junior high gang. Happy.
  • Having a light midnight conversation with an old time fling. Content.

God is good you know, all the time.

After all the worst things I've been through, a waste of emotions and tears, He somehow surround me with all these people who brings joy to my soul. Who respect me with everything I am and accept my quirks, my bad habits unconditionally.
I am scared and afraid that I'm not going to find someone who I want to share my everyday with, I thought I found one and the universe wont let me have it and I thought I'm stuck. But seeing these people, interact with them, knowing that I've got them to share my everyday with, I am truly grateful for my life. I can say, I am happy.

God is good, all the time.

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