

- I now, can admit and titled myself as a Copywriter (got hired last month by this small advertising agency)

- Went to Jogjakarta for cousin's wedding and parent's wedding anniversary for 4 days. Visited the Merapi ground zero which has pretty impeccable sight.

- Been spending most of my time with family. Grateful, of course.

- Never been so happy to have such an awesome group of friends (this goes out to you my 'Dugembul' friends). Seriously though.. When in sorrow,  it's them I come home to *happytears

- Great news on last Thursday morning. One of my best friend just had a newborn baby girl. Congratulations to S & R for baby Gwen Aleena Adhilaksono. Such a cute little angel :3

- What else..

- Pretty much feeling content nowadays

- Oh. And been missing you too much. Way way too much. (blah)

Over and out for recent updates.

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